If you need any explaination about this form contact ammar.aljer@univ-lille.fr

Activity Name:

Exercise 2021_10_8-12 - Levee inspection (safety and APP2C)

Activity Numbre:


Activity type


Involved Workpackage

Flood defences
Emergency response
Knowledge infrastructure


Learn how to perform a levee inspection.

Activity Brief descriptor

Small-scale exercise 2021 October 8-12th. An exercise on Levee Inspection, especially the safety and the use of the APP2C.

Linked to theme(s):

Animal- & vegetation-induced anomalies
Erosion processes
Temporary levee repairs
Levee survey & monitoring technique
Prolonged collaboration

Activity Time

Start Date:

Oct. 8, 2021, 9 a.m.

End Date:

Oct. 12, 2021, 5 p.m.

Active time length:







Levee stretch:


Coordinates/ Latitude (WGS):


Coordinates/ Longitude (WGS):


Coordinates/ Altitude (mTAW):



Other references:


Data: 1

Data type: photos
Description: Photos
Date availability: None
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Detaled information about the activity


Activity Descriptor

The training courses for the next few days fall under Work Package 2: Emergency Response or crisis management. Focused on monitoring and protecting our dikes during special circumstances, especially high water. As far as dike monitoring is concerned, we basically go through the entire process of inspection, diagnosis, prognosis and implementation. We will train from 7-11 October to inspect as dike watchers, using the new dike monitoring app (APP2C), among other things. In training 2, we will train on giving instructions, aimed at dike monitoring and on the implementation of emergency measures. wants to state: the project is a so-called living lab. Training 1: the focus in training 1 is on inspection of the dike, (for inexperienced) dike guards. After a briefing, we will inspect the dike (approx. 2 km) with you (people who will be deployed now or in the future for dike monitoring under special circumstances). You learn to inspect the dike using a prod, among other things, and discuss what is urgent. And you put that damage in the dike monitoring app App2C. We inspect in daylight. Except on October 11, when we have an evening shift where you use a heat camera, among other things. We start in the light and then it slowly gets dark (what do you see). In the appendix you will find 3 sheets with the main points.Training 2: the focus on instructing dike guards, but also on implementing emergency measures. Specific attention to safety.


Equipment: 1

Clothing: suitable for weather (waterproof-thick-layers-fluorescent-cap-gloves) and good footwear. For emergency measures: helmet, work gloves, safety shoes? Depending on expectations: life jacket and rope, flashlights Shears to cut barbed wire, bolt cutters to open fences

Monitoring & Sensors

this activity does not have sensors


During Activity

Post-activity conditions

Immediate Results

We have trained (especially many water authorities) in dike monitoring and safety instruction. Had a lot of good reactions to it! About 80 participants on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Originating from: WsHD, Scheldestromen, WsBD, WsVV, ZZL, Waternet, RWS, WRIJ, HDSR, HZ, Defence, Rijnland, Wetterskip. In the weekend 8 students in the Winter School. And on Tuesday 12 October 30 CTW-ers and the ILSP.

Results /Conclusion

Infrastructure Knowledge

Other key information