If you need any explaination about this form contact ammar.aljer@univ-lille.fr

Activity Name:

1st Animal burrows survey on the Prosperpolder levee

Activity Numbre:


Activity type


Involved Workpackage

Flood defences
Emergency response
Knowledge infrastructure


1. Identify a system of burrows that is suitable for the execution of a grouting and excavation experiment. 2. Validate conclusions of the previous animal burrows survey on the Hedwigepolder levee (from 8th Sep 2021) 3. Find out if there are any differences between the results of this survey and the previous one that are caused by differences in the design and maintenance regime of the Dutch and Belgian levee.

Activity Brief descriptor

Animal burrows on a levee stretch of 80m were detected and registered with paper mapping.

Linked to theme(s):

Animal- & vegetation-induced anomalies
Erosion processes
Temporary levee repairs
Levee survey & monitoring technique
Prolonged collaboration

Activity Time

Start Date:

Sept. 24, 2021, 9 a.m.

End Date:

Sept. 24, 2021, 5 p.m.

Active time length:







Levee stretch:


Coordinates/ Latitude (WGS):


Coordinates/ Longitude (WGS):


Coordinates/ Altitude (mTAW):



The survey took place in the inner slope of the levee. The coordinates refer to the upper NW corner of the surveyed area (at the crest of the levee. The coordinates were extracted from Google Earth (3D view in decimal degrees).

Other references:

The surveyed area is situated at the southeast side of the last section that was tested against overflow in March 2020.


Data: 1

Data type: Xls file
Description: The file indicates the location of each burrow in relation to the coordinates of this activity, its depth and its diameter.
Date availability: May 31, 2022
Media avaliable:
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Relationships with other activities

Detaled information about the activity


The survey was performed on a relatively dry day, without any rain. Only the upper half of the inner slope was surveyed, because the lower half was not mowed.

Activity Descriptor



this activity does not have equipments

Monitoring & Sensors

this activity does not have sensors


During Activity

Post-activity conditions

Immediate Results

The spatial patterns of animal burrows on the surface coincided with the patterns detected on the Hedwigepolder levee on the 8th of September, yet the number of detected burrows was considerably higher despite the fact that less inspectors were on the ground. Within the first 20m of the surveyed stretch a burrows was detected that had traces of sand at its lower side, which showed that the animal probably penetrated all the way to the sand core. This location was selected a promising one for a grouting experiment.

Results /Conclusion

Infrastructure Knowledge

Other key information