Everything about Exercises (small and large scale combined) id;activity_name;activity_type;activity_descriptor;breaching;animal;erosion;temporary;levee_survey;prolonged;start_date;end_date;date_length_day;date_length_hour;date_other;levee_stretch;location_x;location_y;location_z;location_descriptor;location_other;objectif_important;objectif_knowledge;pre_condition;act_des;monitoring_process;monitoring_reasoning;limits;during_activity;post_activity;activity_result;results_conc;knowledge_desc;ref_links;wrk_1;wrk_2;wrk_3;key_info 140;Exercises (small and large scale combined);Exercise;"Knowledge/data/photos of the performed exercises (small and large scale). These exercise have multiple objectives, ranging from testing the APP2C to replacing emergency response measures. Every exercise has their own KTF and is linked to this main one. The difference between small and large scale exercise is the scale. In the large-scale exercises the complexity increass with emergency exercises, real damages, and levee posts. This is done in combination with international collaborations and multi-exercises. Small-scale exercises are more simplistic and are mostly levee inspection exercises. These are mono-exercises and sometimes with real damages. This relationship is also visualized in the picture on the drive. The objectives and structure is also explained in the Exercise plan, which can be found on the OneDrive.";True;True;True;True;True;True;2021-09-01 09:00:00;2023-02-28 09:00:00;;;;Other;;;;The levee inspection exercises are mostly located along streches of the levee. When xercises with repair measure are conducted, the precise location is indicated.;;Main KTF of the small and large scale exercise.;Knowledge on a large variety of topics which are practiced and tested in these small and large scale exercises. Also to train and learn from each other.;;"Small scale: approx 19 days Large scale: approx. 8 days";;;;;;;;;;False;True;False; All DATA concerning Exercises (small and large scale combined) data_type;data_descripion;date_date;data_find;data_media;data_media_find Folder with photos and data of the excerises;;;https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/EgWDM8YC6YhHmdkHCvTFbNQBPvbw-k5Yo3pOmjxth5rz1w?e=8wwKbW;; All EQUIPMENTS concerning Exercises (small and large scale combined) equip_type;equip_usage Equipment for levee inspection is described in the document 'Guidelines leveeguarding' and in the form on small-scale exercises.; All SENSORS concerning Exercises (small and large scale combined) No sensors added