Everything about Small-scale exercises (Levee inspection, use of APP2C and emergency measures) id;activity_name;activity_type;activity_descriptor;breaching;animal;erosion;temporary;levee_survey;prolonged;start_date;end_date;date_length_day;date_length_hour;date_other;levee_stretch;location_x;location_y;location_z;location_descriptor;location_other;objectif_important;objectif_knowledge;pre_condition;act_des;monitoring_process;monitoring_reasoning;limits;during_activity;post_activity;activity_result;results_conc;knowledge_desc;ref_links;wrk_1;wrk_2;wrk_3;key_info 142;Small-scale exercises (Levee inspection, use of APP2C and emergency measures);Exercise;Part of 'Exercises' which only contains small-scale exercises. These small-scale exercises are mostly done to test the APP2C and train in levee inspection and guarding. Also emergency measures are discussed. A guideline of leveeguarding and inspection has been developed.;False;False;False;True;True;False;;;;;;Other;;;;;;To learn how to insepect a levee and use the APP2C.;Knowledge on small-scale exercises;;"How to walk and inspect: - Walk the levee in a group, in a line - Look out for abnormalities, in front, next and behind you - During daylight and maybe in the dark - Prepared for nice weather. But also for bad weather with rain, storm and cold. It can be slippery. - So the levee guards watch out for eachother.";;;;"What to do when finding abnormalities: • If damage is identified, the levee organisation has to be informed. For example, by making a phone call or writing it on a paper form and left at the levee organisation. Or: use an app like the App2C. With several photographs included that clearly show the damage (both close up and from a farther distance). The dimensions and orientation of the damage should be recorded as accurately as possible in the app. • The levee organisation immediately assesses the urgency of the reported damage on a continual basis. • Any acute damage is immediately reported to the experts and emergency measures can be carried out";;;Document called 'Guideline Leveeguarding' by Marian Booltink.;Guideline on leveeguarding/inspection;Document called 'Guideline Leveeguarding' by Marian Booltink.;False;True;False; All DATA concerning Small-scale exercises (Levee inspection, use of APP2C and emergency measures) data_type;data_descripion;date_date;data_find;data_media;data_media_find ;Folders to small-scale exercises and guidelinee leveeguarding;;https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/Enj8iL-TAgxGuCKwSa_vcrIBf-G38NbbjX_lO1r-kLgIBw?e=ui4lxR;; All EQUIPMENTS concerning Small-scale exercises (Levee inspection, use of APP2C and emergency measures) equip_type;equip_usage Equipment is discussed per exercise.; "To conduct an levee inspection it helps if you bring/ use: - Per team, a backpack containing: o A map with the route marked out and the parking areas indicated, telephone numbers of the levee organisation, instructions for use of the app, a list of important telephone numbers, pencils and damage report forms. o A measurement tape, chalk/paint, first aid kit, a yellow flag - Snacks and drinks - Rope if necessary Per person: - A high vis (yellow) safety vest - Prod - Rubber boots (or own hiking boots may be worn, with gaiters as appropriate) - Coat and/or fleece jacket - In the dark: a head lamp, a flashlight and batteries, an arm lamp - A life jacket if necessary Every levee inspector should bring with them the following: - A charged smartphone with the inspection app - Appropriate clothing, may be a hat, gloves or sunglasses - Thick socks for use with issued rubber boots - Extra socks/clothing for if you get wet - Hiking/outdoor shoes ";All the equipment is discussed in the document 'Guideline Leveeguarding'. All SENSORS concerning Small-scale exercises (Levee inspection, use of APP2C and emergency measures) No sensors added