Everything about ERT monitoring of a mole burrow system during overflow testing id;activity_name;activity_type;activity_descriptor;breaching;animal;erosion;temporary;levee_survey;prolonged;start_date;end_date;date_length_day;date_length_hour;date_other;levee_stretch;location_x;location_y;location_z;location_descriptor;location_other;objectif_important;objectif_knowledge;pre_condition;act_des;monitoring_process;monitoring_reasoning;limits;during_activity;post_activity;activity_result;results_conc;knowledge_desc;ref_links;wrk_1;wrk_2;wrk_3;key_info 61;ERT monitoring of a mole burrow system during overflow testing;Survey;ERT sensors were installed in an overflow test section were a mole burrow system was present, allowing to monitor the evolution of its internal erosion during an overflow test.;False;True;True;False;True;False;2021-11-26 08:30:00;2021-11-30 16:30:00;2;;The activity had to be interrupted on Friday 26/11 at 10am due to a covid case on site. It was resumed on Monday 29/11 at 8:30.;Other;;;;;;To test feasibility and effectiveness of ERT monitoring of burrows.;It is the first time that ERT monitoring was applied during an overflow experiment. This first try would show whether this technique is feasible and if it can produce results of good quality that allow to analyse the evolution of internal erosion in a burrow system during overflow.;;;;;;;;;;;;False;False;False; All DATA concerning ERT monitoring of a mole burrow system during overflow testing data_type;data_descripion;date_date;data_find;data_media;data_media_find Timeseries of electric resistivity of subsoil at the overflow test section;Timeseries of electric resistivity of subsoil at the overflow test section;;https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/EoRd7AFizulDnYWBvtUyO9sBzQDthfvXIc6fn6Dc8VXxdw?e=AuKhFc;; Pdf file;Supporting information about data collection and analysis;;https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/EYvsZOvA6elNhvx9tqYiBCIBkJvSw9tBu5LCEZkjWuaFcw?e=Tv9mu1;; All EQUIPMENTS concerning ERT monitoring of a mole burrow system during overflow testing No equipment added All SENSORS concerning ERT monitoring of a mole burrow system during overflow testing No sensors added