Everything about N-OF06 Overflow Test (RTM) id;activity_name;activity_type;activity_descriptor;breaching;animal;erosion;temporary;levee_survey;prolonged;start_date;end_date;date_length_day;date_length_hour;date_other;levee_stretch;location_x;location_y;location_z;location_descriptor;location_other;objectif_important;objectif_knowledge;pre_condition;act_des;monitoring_process;monitoring_reasoning;limits;during_activity;post_activity;activity_result;results_conc;knowledge_desc;ref_links;wrk_1;wrk_2;wrk_3;key_info 70;N-OF06 Overflow Test (RTM);Strength test;The RTMs are a form of protection that has been applied to a section of the levee after the top vegetation layer has been removed. After this removal, the underlying clay cover layer was exposed and subsequently covered with different solutions.;False;False;True;True;False;False;2021-11-22 08:00:00;2021-11-22 17:00:00;;2.0;Total overflow time: 1 hour + 5 minutes.;VI;51.34852;4.22899;12.0;Landward side of levee.;"Lambert '72 coordinates: X=140262.0 m; Y=226530.5 m.";The N-OF06 overflow test is part of a series of tests that involve Reinforced Turf Mats (RTMs).;The goal of the test is to assess the use of Reinforced Turf Mats, as a fast and reliable repair measure after a vegetation layer has been removed after an overflow event and/or damage repair.;The RTMs are a form of protection that has been applied to a section of the levee after the top vegetation layer has been removed. After this removal, the underlying clay cover layer was exposed and subsequently covered with different solutions.;Total run time 1:05 with 10 m³/min;- Overhead cameras (4) - Acoustic water height sensors - Electromagnetic current velocity sensors - Discharge sensor (EM or acoustic);"Description of the hydraulic conditions of the overflow. The setup is described in Vercruysse et al. (2022): ""Design and application of an overflow generator."" (Ref WL2022R20_047_1)";;"From the onset of the overflow test, it was observed that the water was flowing through and under the RTM solution. Discharge water appearing at the toe was heavily sediment laden, which was an indication of strong erosion below the RTM. During the experiment, it was observed that water was flowing out along two lines from the top to the bottom of the crest all the way down. These lines were about 40 cm wide and were separated by 2.5 m. It was considered and confirmed afterwards that these lines were actually corresponding to the tracks of the crane that was used during the removal of the grass cover and installation of the RTM solution. In this process, gullies were formed that were filled with (less compacted) soil afterwards. It is thought that this soil was quickly eroded and formed very deep (0.5 m) erosion channels. Simultaneously, the vegetation that is growing through the RTM solution was being torn away so that the geogrid itself is exposed on many places.";Strongly eroded cover layer/;The emergency repairs do not prevent from erosion occurring during a new phase or event of overflow.;"Given the artifact created by the crane track, it is considered unreasonable to make any conclusions regarding the RTM solution for slope stabilization and therefore, the test should be considered as a failure. Factual data report: https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/EX5yYnuJ-EBBjoKAxAwg8LkBef8ra9V_-GHjzbkz0Was8g?e=pyaUSq Annexes: https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/EWIzoxIhxopCryc6744YgHYBBWr_0fhoGpJ_1pSy0_tM2w?e=pY8Hc6";An integration report will be added later (February 2023) as knowledge document.;under development;True;False;False; All DATA concerning N-OF06 Overflow Test (RTM) data_type;data_descripion;date_date;data_find;data_media;data_media_find Photo imagery;2 portals with in total 4 cameras are used to take surface photographs of the levee slope at different times during and in between overflow activity. The surface images in between overflow blocks show damage and vegetation evolution.;;https://stowanl-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/llhpp_stowa_nl/Eh9dKC1RLURJgVRH7RpZNP4BuF5jA3kBXIGHdCQj9WpX1Q?e=Oqeu0H;; All EQUIPMENTS concerning N-OF06 Overflow Test (RTM) equip_type;equip_usage Overflow generator.;"The setup is described in Vercruysse et al. (2022): ""Design and application of an overflow generator."" (Ref WL2022R20_047_1)" All SENSORS concerning N-OF06 Overflow Test (RTM) No sensors added